I’m just off to catch a flight for a Designer Day in Glasgow and having raced this far into 2010 it’s lovely being able to take a moment and catch up with you all in advance of the show next week. It has been a very busy start to the year and despite the snow back in January forcing us to shut up shop for one day, and leaving us a bit short staffed in production for a couple of days, I’ve got some really luxurious and romantic new designs for 2010 (sneaky peak above…). In addition, amongst the Designer Days and other events I’ve attended so far, we’ve been busily redesigning my new website and I think it’s pretty good….do have a look if you get a chance and let me know what you think www.sassiholford.com.
I cannot believe that The Absolutely Beautiful Weddings Show is almost upon us at just over a week away! I am so excited about this new show, I think it’s going to be very special indeed… Obviously, my excitement has nothing to do with seeing Tenors Unlimited again or hoping that they might serenade me once more –and in such a gorgeous venue too!
No, in all seriousness, I am thrilled to be part of this luxurious new show alongside so many other wonderful companies –some are good friends already and I know that we are all anticipating this show to be great fun for everyone involved. I’m jumping at the prospect of being able to share my current collection, which I have called “Decadence”, with each new bride-to-be who is visiting on the day –I can’t wait to meet you and answer any questions that you might have about finding your dream gown…see you at Claridges!
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